Chamomille here!
I hope you are all keeping safe and are well.
This week I've been busy exploring outdoors and enjoying playing in that beautiful spring sunshine.
This gave me an idea on how we can be creative!
I wonder if we could all create pictures with the leaves we find outdoors?
I sent Little Elms on an investigation to discover leaves in little garden.
I wonder if you could find leaves in your gardens, parks or out and about whilst out exercising!
Using the leaves we have found, we decided to create pictures with the leaves.
We used glue and started sticking the leaves down to create a picture.
Some of the children wanted to use paint and so we added paint to our pictures.
We enjoyed painting the leaves and adding the paint to our pictures.
Do you think you could make pictures with the leaves? I wonder what you can make?
Don't forget, as many of you are in isolation please take photos of your creations and ask a grown up to send them by email to so I can print them off as well as send them on to Heaton House to the Nannies and Nigel.
I can't wait to see your creations!
See you soon,
Chamomile XX
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