Chamomile's weekly challenge - Creative Me

Friday, 1 May 2020

This is an experience I know you all love and have explored many times at nursery. I love the funny faces that you create. Here you can see some of your lovely creations from a few weeks ago. 

This week I would like you to try and create 'Me' using vegetables you may have at home (Don't forget to ask your Mummy or daddy first). I don't mind what you use and if you don't have any googly eyes you could draw some on with a felt tip.

If you have any play dough you could use it to make me some hair or a hat.

I also get very hungry at nursery and there are only carrots here for me to eat. Please could you all try and make me some interesting food to eat. Here you can see some yummy lollipops that someone made, I would love some more of those.

If you have any brothers or sisters and cousins who would like to join the challenge please encourage them to do so.

Don't forget, as many of you are in isolation please take photos of your creations and ask a grown up to send them by email to so I can print them off as well as send them on to Heaton House to the Nannies and Nigel.

I can't wait to see your creations of me.

Love to you all and stay safe.

Chamomile XX

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