Autumn Creations

Thursday, 21 November 2019

At Little Elms, we've been busy exploring Autumn throughout the nursery and in our creativity. Today the children looked at natural resources that we had collected such as leaves and pine cones and put them out for the children to explore with plasticine.

Each child looked and explored the natural resources in a different way. Exploring all of the different materials to see where their creativity would take them. 


Some of the children looked at using the natural resources to make faces. After one child created a face, other children started to copy. Each making a leaf face of their own. Some of the children began creating their mummy or daddy, where as some of the children created their friends. 

Lottie used a pine cone to make a nose for her leaf person and a stick for the mouth. "My daddy has a big nose" 

Some of the children began sticking the leaves into the plasticine. One of the children noticed that when they stuck the leaves into the plasticine, it looked a bit like a tree. Some of the other children also noticed this, and joined in, making their own tree creations.  

As the children manipulated and investigated, they communicated less as they lost themselves in their own explorations and thought processes. Each child seemed to have their own agenda that was unravelling before them. 

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