Today saw the development of the children’s interest in manipulation as a form of risk taking to develop self confidence here at Pebbles. In preparation for the rapid arrival of Christmas the children were supported to use their own creativity to decorate salt dough to create decorations.
"These [shells] go on here so it can fly to the top of the tree" - Henry (42 Months)
Shells collected by the children during visits to the beach, provided interesting additions for the children to explore.
"The snail shell is the star!" - Earl (48 Months)
Shells collected by the children during visits to the beach, provided interesting additions for the children to explore.
"The snail shell is the star!" - Earl (48 Months)
Creating patterns using similar shells.
Some of the finished decorations, ready for baking.
Children developed fine motor skills as they arranged shells on their dough, recognising different patterns and texture.
They had collected a wide selection of shells to use that they had found on the beach during trips out.
“There's no crab living in here now" (referring to the hermit crabs we'd seen in some shells the week before when collecting them on the beach) - Ella (37 Months)
"I have the jingle bells for my cutter!" - Melsa (35 Months)
The sensation of the texture and temperature of the dough kept some children engaged for extended periods of time as their senses made new discoveries.
The sensation of the texture and temperature of the dough kept some children engaged for extended periods of time as their senses made new discoveries.
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