Chamomile's Rainbow challenge

Friday, 27 March 2020

Keep Smiling

Today Chamomile would like to challenge everyone to create a rainbow to make everyone smile. Children love being creative and a rainbow can be made using any resources with or without glue, big or small and indoors or outdoors. She would like everyone to be as creative and as individual as possible to celebrate everyone's individuality.

She would like each child to create their rainbow and email a picture of them holding it as well as a picture of the rainbow on its own to the nursery. We are going to show the world we can stay cheerful through this time.

So when your child/ family have created their rainbow and sent it to Chamomile we will email a copy to Heaton House to cheer the Nannies and Grandad up and we will print a copy to display outside the nursery in the garden. 

We will then post photos of the display on Baby's Days so you and your children can see what the pictures look like displayed together and ensure the children don't forget the nursery while they are away. 

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