Pebbles, Pebbles Everywhere

Friday, 18 October 2019

Today marks our first blog to launch our regular weekly ‘Creative Me’ session at Pebbles. We will spend one session a week inspiring ourselves and the children to develop our inner creativity by exploring resources and topics that interest us. 

This week we have been exploring our own individual features so we combined this area of interest with resources we found on the beach that we collected during one of our beach trips last week. 

We used glue to stick the shingle onto a large canvas, spreading it inside the letters very carefully. 

Then we used as much shingle as possible to cover the glue. 
“It’s sticking to my finger” said one child. 

To give the children ownership of the canvas we encouraged them to add their own marks around the outside using a selection of coloured chalks and crayons. 

We all observed each other’s eyes and discussed how many we had as the children drew themselves. 

“I have two eyes”

We are all very proud and of our creation which we have displayed in the hallway At preschool  for us all to see and add to as the days go by. 

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